As some of you may know, I am very interested in makeup art. I have worked as an artist at a haunted house for 2 years, and do the occasional makeover on the side. Although I love my nice but also pricey makeup collection that has taken me YEARS to collect and afford, there was a time in my not so distant past where I was not about to spend a fortune on a tube of concealer. After years of using these less expensive products I found things I hated, things I liked, and things I loved so much that I still use them to this day. I will be listing some colourpop products. I know colourpop isn’t drugstore, BUT this stuff is so inexpensive and such AMAZING quality that I cannot leave it out! Eye Makeup Colourpop Double Entendre pressed powder palette. $16.00 There are so many gorgeous colourpop palettes, but I chose a more natural one to put on here. Colourpop eyeshadow feels high quality and has great pigmentation. Walk of Fame Supernova Shadow. $7.00 For those of you who don’t w...